Apiary is located in a wild spot, surrounded by the wild meadows, marshes and forest. Due to the difficult terrain and unfertile soil, area is not suitable for intense crop cultivation and thus remained untouched. In Lithuania, honeybees forage with a typical radius of 1.57 km, which is about 700 ha area. This area around the apiary is naturally diverse, constituting about 150 ha of forest, 200 ha of marshland and 350 of wild meadows and orchards. Such landscape is by nature of extremely rich botanical origin, which leads to our very unique and genuine wildflower honey. Let's have a look into some of the flowers and other nectar sources that make up this honey:
Forest - dominated by goat willows, willow trees, birch, maples, oaks, linden and spruce trees. Forest outskirts are rich with raspberries, thistle, ground elder, wild strawberry and oregano. . In spring, most important flow is from the goat willows and maples. In midsummer - raspberry, oaks and linden. In the second half of summer, forest provides a lot of honeydew which may be noticed already in our midsummer honey, but mostly in the late summer honey, where it dominates.
Marshlands - full of purple loosestrife, water smartweed, ground elder, fireweed, meadowsweet, wild carrot and swamp thistle. Mainly contributes to midsummer and late summer honey.
Wild meadows - rich in different herbs and flowers. In the spring, the meadows are yellow from dandelions, blue from veronica's and reddish from the water avens. Summer turns on meadow clover, ground elder, cow parsley, thistle, chicory, sainfoin, wild mustard, sweet clover, echinops, phacelia, oregano, thyme, St. John's wort, fireweed, common agrimony and some goldenrod in late summer.
Below a few photos taken within the apiary.